Budget pc

Plug. Play. Entertain.

Tiny and powerful: If the size of computer decreases, possibilities of usages increases, What happens if decreased to your middle finger, usages become END LESS - Sit back, Relax & Break your head in supplementing this Innovation in your Innovation / Entertainment !!!

Athletic Intel Atom Quad Core Processor with 2GB of Ram | 32 GB Storage alongside Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Micro SD Slot & USB 2.0 in just 0.035 Litre Form Factor is Awesome !!!

This tiny gizmo can be used as Home Entertainment Gadget, PC, Digital Signage, Thin Client Device & So on and so forth.. uncompromising performance is guaranteed !!!

It's Not Like a Computer.It Is a Computer.

Plug. Play. Produce.

On-the-go productivity: Stream Your Personal HD Videos from your Mobile/Internet to Play in your HD TV !!!

Youtube: Enjoy millions of Youtube HD Movies in your Home Theatre Systems !!!

Slide your loved one's life moments in your HD TV !!

Skype with your loved ones in your HD TV !!

Walk across famous landmarks thru 3D Goolge street view in your HD TV !!

Except in weird size, Itz just works like any other computer either in your Home or Office - Either for your browser based applications or native applications - All you need is HDMI Monitor, Wireless KB and Mouse. The best part is now you can carry your PC where ever you like just like your Pen Drive.

One PC many USERS, Savings

Today’s Personal Computers are So Powerful that, it has lot of computing power that is not actually required to run most of the productivity applications like Office Suite, Browser based Applications & Programming Languages - The Best way to utilize the excess computing power in the PC/Server is by sharing with other USERS in the LAN - thus we can achieve substantial Savings & Benefits across the organizations, both in capex & opex - This is called Thinputing.

With Thin Client Computing, undisputedly, you can save on your Capital Expenditure (Initial Investment) on your IT Infrastructure, You can save 40% , on your capex.

Typical PC (CPU) consumes 110-130 Watts, where as thin clients consume as low as (4-20)Watts depends on the products (models), meaning 90% savings directly.

In thin clients, There is no Software, So there is no problem to take care of OS, Applications etc., so thin clients are not exposed to 90% problems directly.